Installation and configuration of the floating service on server side (for CmAct, linux, no GUI)

For the protection of analycess procurement we employ to solutions by Wibu Systems.

The whole setup is explained in "Requirements for a floating license server". The following steps must be performed on the server side.

Overview of the installation process


The image above shows the three main steps that must be done for installation.

Installation of CodeMeter Runtime

Download the Runtime Kit for your platform from and run the installer. You must have temporary root access.

Configure CodeMeter as a network service


  1. Stop the CodeMeter service, e.g. with: /etc/init.d/codemeter stop
  2. Open /etc/wibu/CodeMeter/Server.ini (with sudo) in your favorite editor.
  3. Set the line: IsNetworkServer = 1
  4. Save the file and start the service. e.g. with: /etc/init.d/codemeter start

If needed, you can bind the CodeMeter license server to a different port here.

Import the virtual license container


You will get a file named like CmActFirm-SomeName.wbc from Processbench. Copy that to your server and import it with:
cmu --import --file CmActFirm-SomeName.wbc

You can see the new (empty) license container with:
cmu --list

Ask for activation / send WibuCmRaC file


Use this command to create a WibuCmRaC file:
cmu --context 5000261 --serial <your-serial> --file new-context-file-name.WibuRaC

You can see your serial number in the previous step.
Please send the new .WibuCmRaC file back to your Processbench contact and wait for the next step.

Import the license update


You will get back a .WibuCmRaU file. You can import it in the same way like the first file.

Create an update request

This step is optional, but makes it easier for both sides to perform the next license change or update.
cmu --context 5000261 --serial <your-serial> --file new-context-file-name.WibuRaC

Review the served licenses (externally)


You can see all available licenses at: http://your-server-name:22352/configuration/server_access.html
The example above shows 42 licenses at all. 8 licenses are available at this moment, because 34 are at use by users.

Please write down your server DNS name or IP address and proceed with "Configuration of analycess procurement for the floating service on user side".
It is useful to state the server IP/name to the Processbench support, in order to help users faster and check the correct configuration.

Review the served licenses (from console)


Your can list the licenses by:
cmu --list-content

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