Setup version vs. Portable version of analycess procurement

You can download two editions of analycess procurement:

  • Setup edition: analycess procurement 1.x.y.exe (recommended) - a guided installation with integration into Windows' Start menu
  • Portable edition: - just an installation folder that you can unzip to the user's computer or to a USB flash drive

They just differ in the setup, NOT functionality.

This article shows what the difference is.

Detailed differences for administrators


  • The installer asks for administration rights. Otherwise, it cannot guarantee the installation is done correctly, e.g. necessary folder permissions are set correctly.

Changes to the file system

  • The setup edition installs the program content to C:\Program Files (x86)\analycess procurement by default. There are no other locations affected.
  • For Windows' Start Menu three links are created in the corresponding folder, depending on the Windows version. For example for Windows 7 this is: C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\analycess procurement 1.x.y.z\.

Changes to the registry


  • The installer adds some entries to the location shown above. By that way analycess procurement is registered in Windows' program list.
  • The installer also registers the file extension .analycess with these entries:
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.analycess
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\analycessFile


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