In order to extend or modify your license we use the remote update function. This guidance describes how you import the prepared update.
- You need the dongle/USB stick provided to you by Processbench
- The Processbench support must prepare an update first.
- You must have access to the Internet.
If you use floating licenses i.e. a license server, you will not find the application "Support Center" that is shown below on the server side - as long as it is just available on user side. Alternative ways:
- Take the USB dongle to one of the user computers, where analycess procurement is already installed. This is the fastest way.
- You can install analycess on the server side too and follow these steps.
- You can import the license update by the software CodeMeter ControlCenter on server side. Just leave a note to the Processbench support in this case.
Start the Support Center
If you installed analycess in a regular way you just need to open the Windows menu (1), click "All Programs" and select "Support Center" (2) from the analycess submenu.
Alternative start
If you are using the portable edition of analycess or if you do not see this link above, go to your installation folder (default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\analycess procurement 1.x.y.z\").
Double-click "Support Center" to execute the program. A new window will appear.
Import the update
First, you will be asked if you allow to access the Internet. If you press "No", the update cannot be done automatically. Due to various privacy policies we are forced to ask.
Second, if an update is available you will be asked to import. After an import was finished "successfully" no further steps are needed.
If you are not asked for an import, please check:
- Does it say the Internet connection test was successful?
- Did you plug-in your dongle? The right dongle?
- Did you contact the Processbench support first?