Configuration of analycess procurement for the floating service on user side

This step decreases the launch time of analycess and it is necessary if broadcasting does not work for your network, e.g. when the user is located in different networks. We recommend it for all setups with license services.

You must have completed the setup on the server side described in "Installation and configuration of the floating service on server side".

Install analycess for at least one user

You can download the latest version here:
The default configuration is preset for a non-floating usage.

Open the configuration file


Open the installation folder of analycess (default for Windows 7: C:\Program files (x86)\analycess procurement 1.x.y.z).
Open within this folder CodeMeter.ini with you favorite editor.

Modify CodeMeter.ini


After the floating service installation the servers' DNS name or IP address must be known to you. Change the following line as shown:
Server1= servers' DNS name or IP

Test the setup

Just start analycess. Note, you must have a valid license in order to get analycess started.

Copy the configuration to other computers

  • You can either repeat the steps above for each user OR
  • copy the modified file CodeMeter.ini and overwrite the default configuration for each user.
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