Installation and configuration of the floating service on server side (for CodeMeter)

For the protection of analycess procurement we employ to solutions by Wibu Systems.

The whole setup is explained in "Requirements for a floating license server". The following steps must be performed on the server side.

Installation of CodeMeter Runtime

Download the Runtime Kit for your platform from and run the installer.

Configure CodeMeter as a network service

  • Open in your browser.
  • Open the tab "Configuration" -> "Server" if you are runnting the latest version of CodeMeter Runtime. For older versions (before 5.0) just chose tab "Configuration".
  • Select "Enable" the Network Server
  • Click "Apply"

The service will restart after the last step.

If needed, you can bind the the CodeMeter license server to a network address or an other port here.

Review the served licenses


Please note, your license service is ready, but it is not serving any license yet. Plug-in the given CodeMeter Stick (dongle) in to the server. You can see all available licenses here:
The example above shows 15 licenses at all. Four licenses are available at this moment, because 11 are used by users.

If the dongle needs to be activated, please follow the instructions in "Importing a license update with Support Center".
Please write down your server DNS name or IP address and proceed with "Configuration of analycess procurement for the floating service on user side".

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